
How to Lose Weight the Smart Way


Tired of trying and failing to lose stubborn fat? Then it’s time to change your approach to weight loss. With a little planning, you can enjoy your favorite foods and still shed pounds. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make dramatic changes to your diet or lifestyle. When it comes to weight loss, it’s more effective to set smaller goals and take one step at a time.

Eat Less and Be Mindful about Meals
The first thing you should do is eat less. This way, you’ll cut calories, not satisfaction. Most times, eating less involves changing habits, such as what and when you eat, whether or not you watch TV during your meal, and how stressed you are.

Instead of giving up your favorite foods, practice portion control. If you usually end up overeating because of stress, avoid your triggers and calm down. Enjoy every bite and avoid watching TV while eating. Pre-portion your foods and use smaller plates.

Simplify the Changes
Most dieters have a tendency to over-complicate things. They do endless lists, set strict rules, and follow complicated meal plans. If you really want to lose weight, stick to the basics. Simplify the changes you have to make to your diet.

Try to see the roadblocks that always come up, and avoid them. For example, if you always end up eating too much at dinner, figure out why this happens. Is it because you’re too busy to have lunch at work? Then plan your meals ahead of time and pack a healthy office lunch. This way, you won’t be starving when you get home.

Take One Step At a Time
Don’t try to change your eating habits overnight because you’ll fail. Instead, change one meal every week. Choose which meal you want to improve, make a plan, and stick to it. Don’t worry about the rest of your meals. Just make sure this one meal is healthy and meets your calorie goals. Next week, pick a different meal and follow the same steps.

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