
Yo-Yo Dieting Can Make You Fat


How many times have you started a new diet and gained the weight back? According to researchers, yo-yo dieting contributes to the obesity epidemic. It not only makes you fat, but also slows down your metabolism, affects body composition, and causes fatigue. If you’re always on a diet, it’s no wonder you can’t lose weight.

Want to find out more? Keep reading!

What Is the Yo-Yo Effect?
Yo-yo dieting involves the repeated loss and regain of body weight. When you go too low on calories, your body feels threatened and enters the fight-or-flight mode, which is a natural survival mechanism. As a result, it begins to store calories for future use. In other words, the body perceives dieting as famine. As soon as you return to normal eating, you’ll store fat at a higher rate than usual.

Just like birds and animals, humans respond to food shortage by storing fat. In the long run, this leads to weight gain, metabolic disorders, and hormonal imbalances. Studies indicate that people who diet regularly tend to gain more weight than those who never diet.

The Side Effects of Yo-Yo Dieting
The dangers of yo-yo dieting go beyond weight gain. Losing and gaining weight repeatedly puts stress on your heart, affects muscle function, and depletes your bones of vital nutrients. Research shows that yo-yo dieting may increase the risk of sudden cardiac death, coronary artery disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, and thyroid dysfunction.

Fortunately, there are ways to end this vicious cycle and reach your target body weight. Stop using the word “diet” in the first place and commit yourself to making lasting changes in your eating habits. Steer clear of table sugar, hydrogenated fats, heavy restaurant meals, and junk food. Add more protein on your menu, stick to complex carbs, and eat good fats. Don’t forget about exercise, which is just as important as healthy eating.

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