
Eating Out and Ordering Smart

fast food

The best way to keep track of what you’re eating and make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need is to prepare your own meals. But sometimes we’re in a rush or we want to get together with friends and catch up. Some of us even have weekly brunch, lunch, or dinner dates that we look forward to. So what can we do to keep the calories low when you’re eating out? Here are some things to keep in mind:

Keep the drinks to a minimum
Did you know that a mimosa and a latte contain more calories than bacon, eggs, and cheese? It’s easy to get carried away when you’re dining out, so try to stick to water and lemon, and just one extra beverage.

How do you take your eggs?
Poached eggs are cooked in water so you’ll be saving about 100 calories by not ordering eggs that are cooked in butter or oil.

Can I get that on the side?
When ordering a salad, ask for the dressing on the side so you can control the amount that is used. If the dressing is made into the salad, go with another option to be safe. Salad dressing often packs on way more pounds than you would think (or like!).

Fatty, Creamy, Sugary
It’s tempting to go with something that’s high in fat or sugar, heavy on the cream, or fried, especially if you feel like being out means it’s time to indulge. The problem with that mentality is that ordering this type of food adds up. Go with something that is baked or broiled rather than fried, and try to stick to meals with natural sugar (from fruits).

Skip the Dessert
Unless it’s a special occasion or once in awhile, try skipping dessert more often than not. If you’re really craving something sweet, have something with fruit in it rather than a super sugary baked good. Vegan desserts are a good option too as they often replicate the taste of traditional desserts but without the dairy and excessive sugar.

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