
Mix and Match Exercises to Lose Weight Faster

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Are you struggling to lose that last bit of fat? Do you exercise regularly, but nothing seems to work? If you’re not seeing the results you want with your current diet and workout plan, it’s time to change your approach. Trying out new exercises and workouts can help you break through plateaus and shed fat quickly. If you do the same exercises over and over again, your body will adapt and stop making progress.

Forget the Old Rules of Cardio

If you’re like most people, you probably do cardio a few times a week or even daily. This approach works only for those who are new to exercise. As you progress, it’s essential to change your workout routine. HIIT, sprinting, circuit training, and metabolic conditioning are better alternatives to cardio. Sprinting uses fast twitch muscles, which helps increase your energy expenditure and boosts metabolism.

Another simple way to speed up weight loss is to substitute your regular cardio sessions with short, intense bursts of exercise, such as HIIT. Numerous studies indicate that high intensity interval training produces better results in less time. Compared to steady state cardio, it burns fat without affecting your hard earned muscles. It can actually help you build muscle and prevent catabolism.

Lean Out without Doing Boring Cardio

There are hundreds of exercises that work much better than regular cardio. These include burpees, interval swings, ladders, double unders, jumping jacks, hill sprints, stair sprints, jumping rope, kettlebell swings, and beach running. Any of these exercises can take your workout to the next level and help you slim down.

Don’t forget about bodyweight exercises, which burn hundreds of calories per hour. Squats, push-ups, pull-ups, good mornings, and Turkish sit-ups require a lot of energy and strength, offering a full body workout. With so many options available, it shouldn’t be hard to find a form of exercise that you enjoy!



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