
5 Ways to Encourage Healthy Habits without Putting People Off

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Are you trying to get your friends and colleagues to lead a healthier lifestyle? Despite your good intentions, your loved ones might be reluctant to change their diet and eating habits because you say so. They might actually find you annoying and make funny faces. Thus, you have to find a way to encourage healthy habits without putting people off. Here are some tips that might help:

Explain Your Point of View
Give your friends a reason to follow your advice. Explain your point of view and come up with arguments. Use plain English to explain things, and don’t go too much into details unless someone asks for it.

Focus on the Benefits
When talking about healthy eating and exercise, try to highlight the benefits. What’s obvious to you might not be obvious for your family and friends. Don’t assume they know that weight training speeds up metabolism, or that eating whole fruits is better than drinking juice.

Be Active Together
If you’re struggling to get your family to exercise, find activities that you could enjoy as a team. Come up with games and exercise ideas that your spouse and kids will love, such as tennis, swimming, homemade boot camps, and fitness challenges.

Stop Body Shaming
Sometimes we’re body-shaming others without being aware of it. For instance, if your friend or colleague is obese, avoid making remarks about his weight. Instead of saying “If you want to lose fat, eat more veggies and forget about junk food,” tell him something like: “Vegetables are high in fiber, which promotes satiety, regulates blood sugar, and aids in weight loss. Junk food does exactly the opposite.” Make general statements and back up your claims with arguments.

Practice What You Preach
Be a role model and stay active. Eat healthy at home and at the workplace. If you’re active and have a balanced diet, you’ll look fit. This will motivate others to follow your example and make better choices.

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