
5 Tips to Help You Burn More Calories After Your Workout


Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could burn additional calories once your workout was over? Turns out you can burn an impressive amount of calories long after your workout is complete!  This is also especially good news if you’re focusing on losing fat!

During a workout, your body works hard to deliver oxygen to your muscles. This is the process of burning energy or calories. When you’re done with your workout, your body continues to burn calories during the cool down and recovery stages. During these important stages your body is producing extra oxygen to help repair damaged muscle tissue, remove lactic acid and replenish your energy. This process is called Excess Post-Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) or afterburn.

Use these effective yet simple strategies to rev up your workouts and burn an additional 18-45 calories after your workout!


A High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout is shorter than a typical workout, but you’ll work twice as hard and your body will be burning calories long after the workout is over! Naomi Tamir, C.S.C.S., and  founder of TS Fitness explains, “Your body needs to take in more oxygen to recover from that kind of workout versus a steady-state cardio workout, so you’ll see a longer elevated calorie burn,” HIIT workouts kick your anaerobic levels into high gear as you’re working more muscle groups, using short bursts of energy, and reducing the duration of recovery periods.

In as little as 1 minute, you can burn 15 calories during a HIIT tabata workout! Check out this heart-pumping, high intensity tabata workout and get ready to feel the burn!

Lift Heavy

One of the best ways to get a solid afterburn is to lift heavy! Lifting heavy engages the stress hormone cortisol and the human growth hormone to help you lift those heavy dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells. The hormonal effects can last up to 38 hours before EPOC drops in the body and your muscles begin to recover. You may feel sore for longer than usual, but you’ll definitely reap all the afterburn benefits of lifting heavy!

Do Supersets

Challenge yourself during your strength training with supersets! A superset is a set of exercises that you perform back to back without resting. There are many ways that you can perform a superset, but one of the most effective ways to get a killer afterburn is to do two sets of exercises that work the same muscles (such as kettlebell swings and jump squats which both work your glutes) back to back. Ryan Campbell, personal training specialist at Anytime Fitness of Southern Wisconsin explains that performing supersets this way puts significant strength on the muscles and connective tissues. In turn, this heightens the need for EPOC while you recover. Check out this incredible superset workout that will amp up your post-workout afterburn!

Get Into Compound Movements

Get the most out of your workouts and increase your afterburn with compound movements! Tamir explains that squats, rows, deadlifts and cable pull downs are all powerful compound movements that work large muscle groups and require your body to work hard during and after your workout!

This can apply to more than just lifting! A recent study found that runners experience a more intense post-workout burn than people who regularly cycle. The reason why? Running is an activity that uses your calves, hamstrings, quads and glutes. It uses more major muscle groups than cycling!

Start Metabolic Resistance Training

Tamir states that metabolic resistance training is a great way to burn fat, challenge your anaerobic system and work your muscles. Much like HIIT, you’ll keep your heart rate elevated by taking short rests (no more than 30 seconds) between sets. Unlike HIIT, you’ll use heavy weights or resistance for 10-12 reps, rather than cardio with a higher number of repetitions. After your workout, your body will be working hard to replenish your glycogen levels (carbohydrates stored in the body), lower your body temperature and restore muscle — which all play a major part in getting an intense after burn.

These techniques will boost your afterburn potential and help you achieve your weight loss goals. While these methods may result in burning more calories, an afterburn is by no means a replacement for a consistent, balanced diet and workout routine. Don’t try to out train a bad diet or minimal workouts with supersets, HIIT or metabolic resistance training. Healthy, balanced habits are key to losing weight!

It’s also important to remember that as you get fitter, your body will need to work harder to keep your EPOC elevated. Continue challenging yourself and intensifying your workouts to keep your EPOC working hard!

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