
5 Situations When You Should Avoid Drinking Alcohol


When used responsibly, alcohol can be a great way to pass the time, enjoy gatherings or as a complement to a delicious meal. No matter how you look at it, alcohol makes our daily lives just a little bit more fun! As pleasureable of an activity as drinking is, it’s still important to be mindful of when and how we’re choosing to imbibe.

It’s common knowledge that individuals shouldn’t drink if they’re planning to drive or if they’re pregnant, but there are many other situations when we should be cautious of our alcohol intake. Have you ever had a mimosa after a workout or had a glass of rose before bed? The next time you’re thinking of taking the edge off a long day, you might want to read this list to avoid a potentially dangerous situation. Here are 5 situations when you should avoid drinking alcohol:

When you’ve taken a sedative

Don’t reach for the liquor if you’ve been prescribed sedatives such as Xanax or Valium. Clinical instructor of internal medicine at NYU Langone Health, Margarita Rohr, says, “Alcohol can magnify the sedative effects, cause severe drowsiness, and cause respiratory cardiac depression or even arrest and death”.

When you’re about to board a plane

Traveling can be very stressful and it may seem like a great idea to have a pre-flight tall one, but this may create a lot of post-flight issues. Having alcohol before or during a flight can lead to a compromised immune system and jet lag. Rohr explains, “Drinking excess alcohol can lead to dehydration, and conditions in the cabin with altitude and lack of humidity already can be dehydrating… You can also experience effects of alcohol sooner while flying.”

When you’re anxious or depressed

Booze is an extremely attractive option at the end of a long and trying day, however it’s best not to make this your go to coping mechanism. Katie Hake, registered dietitian and fitness professional explains, “Alcohol should be avoided with many neurological diseases or other chronic diseases such as cancer, depression, or anxiety.” Having alcohol when you’re feeling down can also intensify your emotions, which will only make you feel worse.

When you need a good night’s sleep

Reaching for a glass of wine before bedtime may seem like a good way to relax and unwind, however it may actually prevent you from getting the rest you need. Dr. Jennifer Caudle says, “Alcohol may make you feel drowsy and help you fall asleep, but it’s not great for helping you stay asleep or feel rested in the morning…This is because alcohol interferes with REM sleep, which is the most restorative sleep. It also has the effect of causing you to wake up before you’re truly ready and rested. All of this can cause you to be groggy and tired the next day.”

When you’re trying to get in shape

If you’re working on a fitness goal, consider cutting back on your alcohol consumption. Hake warns, “Drinking alcohol can lead to excess calorie intake and inhibit performance”. While you don’t have to completely halt your alcohol intake, it is highly suggested to limit the amounts if you want to see a spike in your performance or meet a fitness challenge.

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