
5 Mindful Eating Tips for the New Year

Studies have shown that there’s a strong link between mindful eating and weight loss. Mindful eating is a quick and easy way to help you slow down and think about what you’re eating and why you’re eating it. Curious as to how to start mindful eating to aid your weight loss? Check out these 5 tips to help eat you start mindfully eating!

Eat Silently For 5 Minutes

Slow down, and think about everything that went into preparing this meal. Imagine what it took to bring this meal from the farm, to the grocery store, and finally to the plate in front of you.

Take Small Bites

Go for smaller bites that you can thoroughly chew before reaching for your next forkful. Savor the textures and the flavors of the dish. Aim to chew 30 times before you swallow and give your brain and your stomach a chance to recognize when you’re truly full.

Eat With Your Non-Dominant Hand

Switch it up and eat with your non-dominant hand! Eating with your non-dominant hand won’t feel as natural or comfortable as it would with your dominant hand; you’ll have no other choice but to think about each bite!

Set A Timer For 20 Minutes

When you’re ready to start eating, set a timer for 20 minutes. Use every minute to truly appreciate and savor your meal. Focus on each delicious bite so that you don’t devour your entire plate in five minutes.

Ask Yourself “Am I Really Hungry?”

Before you open the fridge or order takeout, take a moment to ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” It can also be helpful to distract yourself by taking a walk, cleaning your bedroom, or drinking water to help you determine if you’re truly hungry or just bored.

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