
Want to Lose Weight? Here’s What to Post on Social Media!


When it comes to losing weight, there’s no shortage of motivational, inspirational and supportive platforms on social media. Whether you’re looking for a new workout, healthy recipes, or the perfect motivational quote to get you up and moving, social media can be a useful tool to help you reach your weight loss goals. You may already be familiar with a number of ways to use social media to assist you with your health and fitness goals – but did you know there are certain things that you can post to your feed to boost your weight loss?

A new study from the Georgia Institute Of Technology, suggests that posting positive, happy thoughts to your social media can help you reach your weight loss goals! The study followed the posting habits of 700 people on the popular fitness app MyFitnessPal. Researchers were aiming to discover whether there was a relationship between what the participants posted on Twitter and the weight loss goals they set for themselves on the app. Surprisingly, there was a correlation between positive tweets and the weight loss success of the participants!

The researchers looked at a range of tweets — not all of the tweets they looked at were about diet and fitness. Many of the tweets had an upbeat, optimistic attitude, with hashtags that said things like #enjoythemoment and #blessed. Additionally, those who tweeted about their weight loss achievements also saw greater results than those who did not. The tweets were not about gloating or losing tons of weight in a short period of time-  they were about motivation and inspiration! One tweet read, “I will stick to my fitness plan. It will be difficult. It will take time. It is going to require sacrifice. But it will be worth it.”

The study gives insight into the power of social media when it comes to losing weight. Social media can often be a discouraging, anxiety-inducing, and negative environment — especially when it comes to body image and weight. However, social media can also be a supportive place where people who share similar interests and goals can come together. Regularly posting status updates and images on social media is also a fun way to hold yourself accountable and to live up to the healthy lifestyle and workout expectations that you’ve created for yourself.

If you’ve been frustrated with your weight loss journey, you may want to consider using social media to help you! Try posting motivational photos, joining a weight loss group online or snapping fun photos of your favorite recipes with an encouraging hashtag!

You can start by following GymRa on Instagram and sharing your fitness journey under hashtag #gymra!

GymRa Fitness

GymRa is simpler, smarter fitness with endless options to eliminate workout plateaus & the best tools for a busy, active lifestyle.