
The Trends That Will be Huge in 2018 According to Facebook

Do you know the trends that will be big in 2018? It’s always hard to say what will be a major hit and what will be a miss when it comes to trends and topics, but the researchers at Facebook IQ have been hard at work exploring rising trends. Read on to discover the trends that you’ll be seeing everywhere in 2018.

Female Empowerment

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Image Courtesy of Stoned Immaculate

Already making waves in 2017, 2018 will see a surge of brands incorporating women focused merchandise in their repertoires. Facebook has reported a large number of trending topics with women at the center. The site feels confident that this will steadily increase in 2018.

The Industry Of Calm

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Since the 2016 election, people have been seeking out ways to manage their stress in healthy, constructive ways. Americans are spending more time focusing on meditation, journaling, unplugging and seeking out like-minded peers and products who support their lifestyle. Look forward to seeing topics such as balancing chakras, meditation and nap chambers all over your feed.

Unofficial Official Holidays

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World Kissing Day, Hot Sauce Day, National Doughnut Day and Book Lover’s Day are just a few of the unofficial official holidays that add a little pizazz to our everyday lives! We may have no idea how these social media based holidays came to be, but according to Facebook, they’re growing in popularity. These holidays are no longer limited to the occasional hashtag – they are making their way to retailers and even the office!

New Age Pain Relief


People are ditching prescriptions and pills and relying more and more on alternative, holistic and all-natural therapies to deal with ailments. Facebook notes that individuals are discussing alternative practices such as reiki and acupuncture more than ever.

Adventurous Dining

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Social media is no stranger to mouthwatering posts by foodies, and Facebook anticipates that this trend will see an even bigger boom in 2018. Facebook cites that uncommon ingredients and international dishes – especially Indian and Bangladeshi cuisine – will continue to titillate our palettes.

Subscription Boxes

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Image Courtesy Of Slack Social

Customization, personalization and the excitement of receiving a perfectly tailored box of your choosing will be big this year. Subscription boxes give us everything we crave: convenience, novelty and ease based around our interests and lifestyles.

The Social Media Watercooler


Forget waiting until the next day to discuss the latest episode of “This Is Us” or “Shameless” with your co-workers. Live tweeting in real-time is on the rise – especially with the popularity of streaming services that offer an array of on-demand programming.

Convenient Dining

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Image Courtesy of Baltimore Magazine

Blue Apron, Plated, and Hello Fresh are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the number of incredible, creative, and delicious meal prep services that will be major in 2018. You can look forward to seeing more and more apps and services that cater to your culinary desires.

Millennial Minded Workplaces

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Facebook predicts that we’re going to start seeing workplaces that are built around the preferences, personalities and lifestyles of millennials. The future of the workplace will be a culture that is driven by the needs of millennials and expectations of a younger workforce.


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Image Courtesy Of Bitcoin.com

If you’re still confused about Bitcoin and blockchain, this may be the year that you finally figure out what digital currency is and how to use it beyond the dark web. Facebook predicts that cryptocurrency will move from isolated platforms and break out into the mainstream.

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