
Popular Weight Loss Myths That Stall Your Progress


Do you really think that having sex is just as effective as a full body workout? Are you sure that losing weight slowly is the best way to go? Unfortunately, these are just myths. If they were true, you’d already be slim. The most popular weight loss myths have broad appeal and fuel the obesity epidemic. Yet, people keep taking them for good.

If you really want to make a change and look your best, do not fall for these myths:

Slow Weight Loss Yields Big Results
Many dieters mistakenly believe that making small lifestyle changes is the key to lasting weight loss. The problem is that small changes don’t add up because your body adapts quickly to diet and exercise. It’s part of its natural defense mechanism. If you’re serious about losing weight, you’ll have to change your eating habits and workout regimen.

Having Sex Is Just As Effective As Walking a Mile
Sexual intercourse raises your heart rate and promotes good health, but has little impact on your calorie expenditure. The average sexual encounter burns around 20 calories, which is just 14 more calories than watching TV. If you want to slim down, take your workouts seriously. Sex is fun, but it won’t help you reach your goals.

Carbs Are the Enemy
Contrary to what you may have heard, carbs are not the enemy. Slow digesting carbs, such as those found in whole grains, brown rice, and sweet potatoes, can bring you closer to your weight loss goals. It all comes down to meal timing. A high carb meal following your workout can help you recover faster, build lean muscle, and stay full longer. The same meal can lead to weight gain when consumed at bedtime. Ideally, eat carbs around your workouts.

Healthy Eating Causes Weight Loss
Eating healthy definitely helps, but it doesn’t necessarily cause weight loss. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other healthy foods have calories too, so they can make you fat when consumed in excess. For instance, a serving (30 grams) of walnuts or cashews boasts over 160 calories. Most people eat at least three servings at once, which is over 480 calories in one sitting.

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