
Chili Peppers – Literally the Spice of Life?

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal followed approximately 50000 Chinese people over the course of seven years and found that those who ate spicy foods 3 times a week had a 14% reduced risk of dying prematurely compared to those who had not.

The most common spices used in spicy dishes were fresh and dried chili peppers, which are known to lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Fresh chili contains many nutrients, vitamins and capsaicin, which helps fight inflammation and obesity.

Further research must be conducted before determining whether it is the spicy food itself that is causing longer lifespans, or other lifestyle choices made by those who are consuming the spices.

However, there is no harm in adding some spice to your life now!


Source: www.timeslive.co.za
Photo by Hans Braxmeier

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