
Butt Workout for Lifting, Toning, and Shaping the Lower Body

Workout your butt, legs & thighs! This at home routine helps you burn fat while you build your lower body. Get rid of unwanted fat around your thighs and tone up your legs as you lift, tighten and sculpt your glutes.

Alternating Kickback with Squat – 12 reps each side


Reverse Lunge with Front Kick – 12 reps each side


Side Lunge Into Balancing High Knee – 12 reps each side


Alternating Pivot Lunge – 12 reps each side


Lateral Jump Squats – 25 reps


Curtsy Lunge with Side Kick – 12 reps each side


For more lower body workouts, check out our playlist:

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