
Kick-Start Your Metabolism in 4 Easy Steps


A faster metabolism is the key to maintaining your weight within normal limits. Daily stress, poor nutrition, fad diets, and certain medications can affect your metabolic rate and mess with your hormones. Over time, this may cause weight gain and chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.

The good news is that you can kick-start your metabolism by making small lifestyle changes. There’s no need to take diet pills or use fancy weight loss products. Here are four easy steps to boost your metabolic rate:

Skip Carbs at Breakfast
Most people eat generous amounts of carbs first thing in the morning. This is a huge mistake. When you wake up, your insulin and cortisol levels are high. A carb-rich meal will increase your chances of gaining weight. This is the best time to eat protein and healthy fats, such as a few slices of salmon, tuna, olives, avocado, or chia seeds. Not only will you shed pounds, but also rev up your metabolism.

Reach for Green Tea
Thousands of studies support the metabolism-boosting effects of green tea. Drinking up to three cups a day will help your body burn more calories and eliminate toxins. Green tea also boasts powerful antioxidants that fight free radical damage, which is often the culprit behind a sluggish metabolism.

Add Flavor to Your Meals
Ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and other spices increase metabolic rate and boost overall health. On top of that, they taste amazing and can turn any meal into a feast. Most spices are low in calories, so there’s no need to worry about weight gain. Some can also lower cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease, reduce bloating, and stabilize blood sugar.

Pump Some Iron
Although any type of exercise can speed up your metabolism, strength training is particularly beneficial. Lifting weights a few times a week will lead to muscle growth and fat loss. The more lean mass you have, the faster your metabolism. The best part is that you keep burning calories long after your workout is done.

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