
Want A Better Sex Life? Try Meditating!


What do sex and meditation have in common? Sex and meditation are both based on three basic principles: Slowing down, getting comfortable and connecting to your breath. Meditation comes with so many incredible benefits – stress management, increased immunity, longevity, increased focus and attention, to name a few. Meditation is a powerful way to increase happiness and satisfaction in all areas of our lives – but have you ever considered how meditation can boost your sex life? Read on to discover how meditation can seriously improve your performance in bed.

Meditation Helps Keep You In The Moment

Snap out of your dull routine and start being present during sex! We all have routines in our daily lives that send us into auto-pilot — but when it comes to sex and intimacy, we should never allow ourselves to go through the motions or slip into automaticity. Meditation helps us to be present and aware of the current, present moment.

Automaticity occurs when we fall back on automatic behavior that we’re not entirely aware of. It’s what we do while we’re driving, washing the dishes, brushing our teeth, and (sometimes) what we do during sex. This type of efficient, operative sex is passive and passionless. Revive the passion by remaining in the moment! The more you practice focusing on the present during meditation, the more automatic it will be for you to use it during sex.

Meditation Makes You A Mindreader

Get out of your own way and start using meditation as a guide to help you become innately in tune with your partner. When we meditate we become highly self-aware of our bodies and we can tap into that part of ourselves just behind our consciousness. This self-awareness (also known as “higher states of consciousness”, “sub-space” and even “erotic trance states”) is a great tool that helps us pick up on small cues from our partner. You’ll instinctively be able to respond and act on on everything from your partner’s breathing, sighs, their body and reactions to you.

Meditation Removes Distractions

It’s difficult to get turned on if your mind is running in a million different directions. Practicing meditation can help you become more aware of when you’re getting carried away with your thoughts and distractions. Meditation can teach you how to quiet your mind, connect to your body and fully experience sensations that you haven’t experienced before. When you’re unable to disconnect from your thoughts, it’s difficult to be present and connect with you partner. If your partner can sense that you’re not entirely focused on them, they can start to feel shot down and ignored. Meditation will help you show your partner that you’re deeply engaged in the moment. When your partner can tell that your attention is solely on them they’ll join you in your efforts!

Meditation Helps Gets The Spark Back

Listening is a turn on. When you first met your partner, chances are you loved discovering everything about each other. In the beginning of your relationship it was important that you were both seen and heard — you had a dynamic connection! What developed was a powerful desire to physically express what was culminated psychologically. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, you may not be listening as often or as enthusiastically as you did in the beginning.

Of course the physical attraction still exists, the initial passion and eagerness to listen may have dwindled. Meditation can help you start to listen again and fully focus your attention on your partner when you stop actively listening to them. If you’ve lost the spark in your relationship, use the tools you use in meditation to start thoughtfully listening to your partner again.

Meditation Helps With Stress Management

Let’s face it: If you’re stressed out, that can’t be a good thing for your sex life. When we’re stressed out, we’re most likely feeling overwhelmed, weighed down with pressure, nervous, perhaps a little nauseous and constantly in “fight or flight” mode. Stress is also a leading cause for a diminished libido.

When we’re stressed out, we’re also being riddled with stress hormones that are preparing us to be alert and highly responsive. Unfortunately this soaks up a lot of our energy and we’re left feeling exhausted. Eventually you’ll start saying things like “I’m not in the mood” or “Not tonight”. Don’t let your sex life suffer due to stress! Use the lessons you learn during meditation to better cope with stress so you can have a good romp under the sheets.

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