
Trainers’ Favorite Trick for Strong Abs


Have you noticed that most trainers have strong, ripped abs year round? What’s their secret? Believe it or not, there is no secret. It’s all about good posture. Sitting up straight and standing tall can make your abs stronger and more defined. Not to mention that it’s good for your health!

Why Is Posture Important?
Good posture is the key to a flatter belly. When you keep your back straight, your body is in alignment. This helps prevent and reduce back pain, supports spine health, and makes you look thinner. By standing up tall, you’re strengthening your abs and other core muscles. As a result, your waist will look smaller and your stomach flatter.

Improving your posture can make you look up to five pounds lighter. It’s also a great way to increase core stability and functional fitness. The way you sit and stand affects how you feel in your daily life. Poor posture leads to lower back pain, neck pain, spine disorders, and aches. It also makes your waist look larger. Fortunately, it’s never too late to learn good posture. All it takes is some practice.

How to Improve Your Posture
The first step is to learn how to maintain good posture. Stand up straight in front of a mirror. Keep your feet hip width apart and your arms at the sides. Your toes should point straight ahead. Draw in your stomach, straighten out your neck, and pull your shoulders back and down your spine. Look at your abs in the mirror. They do look stronger and firmer, don’t they?

Maintain good posture every time you’re standing up and sitting down. Certain exercises can help improve your posture and flatten your abs, so include them in your routine. Pilates and yoga are particularly beneficial. Work your core muscles at least twice a week to improve your posture and build stronger abs.

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