
The Hidden Dangers of Soda

Soft drinks are the main source of sugar in the modern diet. Some brands boast over 30 teaspoons of sugar per serving. Yet, the average American consumes about 44 gallons of soda or 450 cans per year. In addition to sugar, these beverages are loaded with additives, high fructose corn syrup, artificial dies, and cancer-causing chemicals. Despite its name, diet soda isn’t healthier.

Why Is Soda Bad for Health?

Each sip of soda contributes to the onset of diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, and insulin resistance. The sugar and acid in soft drinks rot your teeth, affect your body’s pH balance, and lead to the formation of kidney stones. Sodium benzoate, one of the primary ingredients in soda, inhibits potassium absorption and puts you at risk for skin disorders, asthma, and electrolyte imbalances.

Diet soda is just as bad as the regular version. It contains high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners that mess up your hormones, cause liver disease, and affect cardiovascular health. Aspartame, which is commonly used in diet drinks, has been linked to a higher risk of diabetes, depression, brain tumors, and multiple sclerosis. These beverages may also contribute to metabolic syndrome and hypercholesterolemia.

What’s the Alternative?

The best substitute for soft drinks is water. This fluid has zero calories and nourishes your body. However, some people simply hate drinking plain water. If that’s your case, switch to fruit-infused water, herbal tea, sparkling bitters, or unsweetened lemonade. Another great option is unsweetened iced tea. Choose your favorite flavor, make tea, and leave it in the fridge for an hour or so. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to enhance its aroma and nutritional value.

Make your own beverages at home using water, citrus fruit, cinnamon, stevia, or chlorella. Green smoothies are a good choice too. If you exercise regularly, consider using protein shakes and amino acid beverages. Unlike water, these drinks do have calories, so enjoy them in moderation. If you can’t quit soda, stick to organic brands containing stevia.

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