
Stop Believing These 5 Abdominal Myths!


There’s a lot of information available that claims to give you the perfect prescription for rock solid abs. Some experts say that adding weights will sculpt a gorgeous six pack, and others say that crunches don’t work. There are experts who say it’s all about proper nutrition, while some insist that it’s all about genetics or focusing on your back.

A strong core is everything when it comes to fitness, so what should you be doing to give your body the best chance of getting abs? According to Toby Massenburg, the creator of Best Abs Ever – a new fitness class at Equinox – there are key moves and strategies that you should be using to get the best abs of your life. When it comes to his class, Massenburg says, “This workout is about making sure we’re focusing on the things that are going to make us more powerful, strong, and efficient within our bodies.” Check out these moves and tips that will give you the core you’re craving, without wasting your time!

Abs Are Made In The Gym And The Kitchen


Diet and exercise are extremely important when carving out a strong core, but abs are also built in the bedroom! Massenburg says, “Sleep is incredibly important…If you don’t get the proper amount of sleep, your stress level starts to go up and the first place you’ll start to see it is across your midsection.”

Crunches Are A Waste Of Time

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Traditional crunches aren’t the issue when it comes to building a six pack. Massenburg explains, “Most of the time, people use their hip flexors rather than their core when they’re doing a crunch with bent knees,” If you really want to get the most out of a crunch, Massenburg recommends doing a butterfly crunch. When performing the butterfly crunch, your knees are out, to the side, which turns off the hip flexors. Massenburg says, “That method forces you to use your core rather than your extremities, which is going to be much more effective.”

To Target Your Abdominals You Must Workout On The Floor

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If your core is the stabilizer of your entire body, it makes sense that the most effective ab exercises engage your entire body – and that means getting up and off the floor! Massenburg says, “The most effective movement is having a 360-degree motion that incorporates the entire body.” His top ab exercise is a variation of a lunge called the lunge-and-chop.  Here’s how to do it: place a dumbbell on your left shoulder. Step forward with your right foot and go down into a lunge. As you lower yourself into a lunge, pass the weight across your bent knee, to the right hip, and bring your right foot and left hand back to the start position. Massenburg says, “One of the best things about the lunge-and-chop is that you have acceleration and deceleration…When you’re throwing a load in one direction, it calls for a lot of core activation, as does slowing it down and going back to starting position.”

You Don’t Need To Pay Attention To Your Breathing


When you’re working out your abs, it is important to engage your core and your breath! Don’t clench, and don’t hold your breath! Massenburg says, “You’re able to sustain the movement longer if you allow the breath to be your guide…When it becomes really tough, you should be breathing more quickly and you should be able to feel it within your core. I like to call it ‘breath of fire.’

Master The Plank


Don’t get us wrong: a plank is a great way to challenge your core, but if you really want to challenge your abs, its best to add some movement to your routine. Massenburg recommends adding different plank variations into your routine. A good starting point is the spider plank, which involves drawing your knee to your elbow.

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