
Searching for Love in Your 50s? 5 Signs You’re Dating a Jerk

Dating in your 50s is just as hard as it was in your 20s. Of course, now you’re more confident and experienced, so you should be able to spot a jerk. However, some guys are so good at lying that it’s frightening. If you have self-esteem, move on and don’t let yourself be fooled. You deserve a partner who is nice, polite, and honest. If in doubt, here are five signs you’re dating a jerk:

He Treats You like Dirt
If your partner makes you feel bad about your looks or your weight, run away from him. You need someone who is supportive and caring. A real man doesn’t mistreat the woman he dates.

He Can’t Handle a Real Conversation
A guy who’s constantly avoiding deep, meaningful conversations isn’t really interested in you. He might be afraid of commitment or simply doesn’t care of what you feel and think. When a man is truly interested in you, he will fully engage in the conversation, ask questions, and listen to what you have to say.

He Is Manipulating You
Does your partner use your weaknesses against you? Does he make you feel guilty and ashamed? A man who forces his insecurities on you and blames you for everything is definitely a jerk. Don’t let yourself be fooled by his behavior. Emotional manipulation can be painful and takes many forms, leaving you feeling insecure and depressed.

He Never Helps You with Anything
If the guy you’re dating is always busy and ignores your needs, then you should reconsider the relationship. A man who really cares about you will do anything to help you and prove he’s worthy of your love.

He Treats Other People Poorly
When a guy treats other people poorly, he’s a jerk. If the man you’re seeing makes mean remarks about others, displays road rage, or patronizes people, stay away from him. Don’t be surprised if he starts treating you like dirt.

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