
Full Body Fat Blaster

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Improve your power and agility and add intensity to any workout with plyometric moves. Elevate your routine to a whole new level!

Pick a set or sets of weights that challenge you. Repeat after 3 minutes rest. Hydrate, stretch, and drink a protein shake right after completion.

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Warm Up

Stiff Single Leg Deadlift

Forward & Reverse Lunge



Sumo Squat with 3 Count Pause

Burpee with Split Jump


Push Up Into Superman

Reverse Dumbbell French Curls

Mini Squat with Frontal & Lateral Raise

Half Burpee with Punches

Modified Plank with One Arm Row

Lunge with Lateral Raise

Plank with One Arm Rear Fly

Burpee to Heel Clap

Cross Sit Ups

Butterfly Abs

Side Crunches

Cool Down

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