
Healthy Foods that Boost Energy & Actually Taste Good

A Quick Crunch

If you’re looking for a quick pick me up, these healthy snacks are easy & healthy.

Almonds are packed with nutrients like magnesium & B vitamins, which help with fatigue, irritability & poor concentration. Grab 1 serving (about 23 nuts) for a quick boost of energy & a great crunch.

Pistachios are a powerhouse snack packed with flavor, protein, and fiber. 25 pistachios have just 100 calories, so grab some to go when you need a quick snack that provides energy.

Popcorn is a great substitute for chip lovers who want to avoid empty/high calorie snacks. It’s a whole grain, which means it has plenty of fiber to help keep you full & satisfied. Just make sure to ditch flavored popcorn or popcorn that’s salt & butter heavy. Ideally, you’d pop your own & season with herbs & spices, but you can also opt for an unsalted microwave brand.

Light & Substantial

These are great options if you’re looking for a light breakfast or snack between lunch & dinner.

Peanut Butter & Banana is a winning combo! Both contain fiber and together contain healthy fats, potassium, and vitamin B6. Stick to 2 tablespoons of peanut butter & 1 banana for a low calorie and delicious snack.

Oatmeal is such a filling & versatile food. You can add fruit, nuts, and cinnamon to create not only a tasty dish, but a low calorie one filled with energy boosting nutrients.

Greek Yogurt also pairs well with fruit, nuts, and other toppings to create a healthy dish that tastes great! It’s packed with protein so combining it with nutrient-packed fruit & nuts is a great way to boost energy and satisfy both your hunger & taste buds. Just make sure to select a Greek yogurt that has little to no added sugars.



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