Wonder how to get more exercise when you’re busy? Struggling with a hectic schedule? No problem! From morning jogging to walking your dog and working out while watching TV, there are plenty of ways to exercise without even realizing it. You can even split your workouts into short, intense sessions over the course of a day.
Here are some easy ways to get more exercise when you’re short on time:
Walk Your Dog
If you have a dog, take him out for a walk twice a day. Schedule a morning walk and an evening walk after work. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors, breathe in fresh air, and get your daily dose of exercise. Those who don’t have a pet can just go for a walk themselves.
Move around the House
Turn your daily house chores into exercise! Do a few push-ups while waiting for the tea pot to boil, get a pull-up bar and exercise at home, and go for a short jogging session first thing in the morning. Consider using fitness DVDs and online videos featuring new workouts. Walk while talking on the phone instead of sitting on your couch.
Ditch the Shopping Cart
When you’re at the mall or the grocery store, grab a reusable bag to carry your items. Ditch the shopping cart and walk around with one or two heavy bags in your hands. Unless you have a huge shopping list, this should do the trick. Carrying heavy objects in each hand is a great workout that hits all muscles and raises your heart rate, so give it a try!
Commit to a Daily Exercise Routine
Aim for at least 10 minutes of exercise a day, regardless of your schedule. Do 50 crunches or squats before getting into the shower, stretch your legs while watching The Weather Channel, and run on spot during TV commercials. The idea is to mix exercise and daily activities that you were planning to do anyway.