
Meat Consumption Increases Risk of Early Death

According to the latest research, meat eaters have a higher risk of death. Numerous studies conducted over the years have linked animal protein to increased rates of heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, and cancer. However, this doesn’t mean you should give up protein completely. This nutrient supports muscle growth and bone health, keeps your skin young and firm, and provides energy. The key is to replace animal protein with vegetable protein, which can be found in legumes, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens.

Eat Meat, Die Sooner
Recent studies indicate that eating red meat regularly may cause premature death. So far, it’s known that red meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease. Maintaining a high protein intake is vital to good health, but where the protein comes from makes all the difference.

Protein sources influence other micro and macronutrients in your diet, which in turn, affects overall health. Experts have linked meat consumption to kidney failure. At the same time, vegetarian diets have been associated with a lower risk of diabetes. Eating more plant protein can increase longevity and lower the risk of death. Research shows that every 10 percent increase in animal protein raises heart disease risk by eight percent and overall death risk by two percent.

Is Plant Protein the Key to a Long, Healthy Life?
It’s no secret that vegans and vegetarians live longer and enjoy better health. Studies confirm the benefits of plant protein. Most vegetable foods that are rich in protein have little or no saturated fat, and provide large amounts of fiber. They also contain omega-3s, omega-6s, and phytonutrients that fight inflammation and oxidative damage.

Additionally, most high protein legumes and vegetables are free of the growth hormones and antibiotics found in meat. Plant based foods balance the body’s pH levels and help maintain an alkaline environment, which prevents diseases. On top of that, they’re easier to digest compared to meat and dairy. Switching to a plant-based diet could be the key to optimum health.

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