
5 Surprising Ways Doctors Use Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider

Thinking of introducing apple cider vinegar into your health and wellness regimen? There are a number of surprising ways to use apple cider vinegar from teeth whitening, weight loss, radiant skin and digestion. With so many ways to use this wellness wonder it’s only natural to be curious about whether or not health experts are using this in their own wellness routines. It turns out that doctors are major fans of this drink! Read on to discover how they’re using it in their daily lives!

Salad Dressing

“I’m a huge fan of Bragg’s organic apple cider vinegar and use it most often to make salad dressings, mixing it with olive oil, lemon, herbs, and spices. I also use it to soothe a sore throat by mixing with water and gargling and making a hot drink to sip on by mixing ACV with honey, lemon, and cinnamon in water.” – Tiffany Jackson, N.D.


I use apple cider vinegar as a cleaner, especially in my kitchen. It seems like such a great alternative to all of the other cleaners, which smell noxious to me. I usually mix a 1:1 formulation with apple cider vinegar and water, plus add a couple of drops of essential oil for additional goodness. I spray in various areas of my kitchen and other areas of my house, and I don’t have to worry about my cleaner being more toxic than whatever it is that I’m cleaning!” –Aparna Iyer, M.D.

Glowing Skin

“For my skin, I add apple cider vinegar to a homemade face mask to help pull out dirt, oil, and toxins from my acne-prone skin. I mix chickpea flower (channa flower), 1 teaspoon turmeric, ½ teaspoon honey, yogurt, squeeze a little lemon juice, and add one drop of tea tree oil and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar. It’s an antibacterial mask!” – Bindiya Gandhi, M.D.

Taming Inflammation

“I love using apple cider vinegar as a functional medicine tool to calm inflammation and improve the microbiome. My favorite way to use ACV is to include it in elixirs. I mix a few tablespoons of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar (with the mother part intact, which is extra nutrient-dense), with some turmeric, black pepper, coconut oil, marine collagen, and whatever adaptogen I’m feeling that day, in a glass of water. You can enjoy this warm or chilled.” –Will Cole, D.C. and functional medicine expert

Digestion and Metabolic Function

“I love adding a couple of teaspoons in my juicing for the added digestive health benefits. I put it in my bone broth to get more nutrients out of the bones as well. I sometimes take it after meals as a shot to aid in digestion and blood sugar control, and when I’m ‘detoxing’ I start off my day with a shot of apple cider vinegar mixed in warm water. It’s great for controlling blood sugar spikes and keeps your waistline low.” –Bindiya Gandhi, M.D.

“I recommend using apple cider vinegar for gut support. It is a gentle way to improve digestion and can also assist with improving abdominal bloating. It is great for use in salads and can assist with bone soup formation (it helps degrade the bones into the soup).” –Wendie Trubow, M.D., MBA.

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