
What 5 Bucks Can Buy You

These days, 5 dollars doesn’t amount to much. People spend $5 on a whim, without thinking. But some things give you more bang for your buck.

Let’s take a look at some things that will cost you around $5:

A cup of coffee

A couple of candy bars

A value meal at a fast food restaurant

A domestic beer at most bars

A carton of ice cream

Cigarettes (In some states. People willingly spend much more for them in certain areas!)

Frozen meals from the grocery store

As you can see, these are VERY commonly purchased items that most people don’t give a second thought about purchasing. You may have also noticed that almost all these things are quite unhealthy.

In the case of coffee, it’s much cheaper to make your own at home but people are either too busy, or enjoy the ritual of going to the coffee shop.

5 dollars may not seem like a lot in one instance, but if you’re purchasing these products weekly (which most people do), it really adds up – both health wise & money wise.

It’s easy to justify it by saying “it’s only $5.” How about thinking about it this way: it’s only my health.

Did you know that a monthly subscription to gymra.com is only $4.99 a month?

I don’t think we need to go into detail about the value and benefits you’re getting with that amount because you’re already here, so you already know. But it’s definitely interesting that people will hesitate to sign up for programs that can vastly improve their lives, yet don’t think twice about purchasing things that can harm them in the long run.

Just some food for thought! Let us know what you think – we love to hear from you.


GymRa Fitness

GymRa is simpler, smarter fitness with endless options to eliminate workout plateaus & the best tools for a busy, active lifestyle.