
Walk Your Way to Perfect Health

Hate cardio and strength training? Or maybe you’re short on time? If so, go for a walk! This simple habit will trim your waistline and boost your health. Daily walking has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis. It’s one of the best forms of exercise, regardless of your goals. In the long run, it can increase longevity, improve your posture, and help you reach a healthy weight.

The Amazing Benefits of Walking

Our bodies are designed to walk. This form of exercise engages every muscle and promotes optimal health.  Recent studies indicate that people who regularly walk at a fast pace tend to weigh less than those engaged in other types of exercise like cycling or swimming. According to health experts, walking is the best way to shed pounds and stay in shape.

This basic activity is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you’re in your early 20s or 50s, you can benefit from walking. It’s a great way to boost your mood, maintain strong bones, and prevent or manage chronic ailments, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. On top of that, it requires no equipment. All you need is a pair of sneakers or walking shoes and the willingness to do it.

How to Walk for Weight Loss

Daily walking can help you slim down and firm those trouble areas, such as your belly and hamstrings. To shed pounds faster, go for a power walk. Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. If that’s too long, split your walking sessions into three 10-minute segments.

Drink a cup of green tea before or after walking to rev up your metabolism. Experiment with different routes that vary in grade, length, and terrain. For instance, walking on the beach burns more calories than walking on the road.

Ideally, go for a walk before breakfast when your glycogen stores are depleted. This way, your body will burn stored fat for fuel. Brisk walking burns approximately 340 calories per hour. Remember to warm up before hitting the trail in order to stay injury-free.

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