
Try These Healthy Habits in the New Year and Make Them Stick

At GymRa, we pride ourselves on being a top resource for those who want to get fit through
personally-customized video workouts. Our number one goal is to make fitness affordable and
accessible for everyone. However, we understand that it can be challenging to stick to healthy
habits even when you’re motivated.

Eating better, getting more exercise, and getting rid of bad habits are some of the most popular
goals, but you can integrate these with activities that will boost your self-confidence and mental
health as well. Read on for tips so you can make healthy habits work for you..

Make fitness and nutrition a priority

Okay, we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t touch on the importance of regular exercise and
a healthy diet. These are two of the best ways to ensure overall wellness, reduce stress, sleep
better, lose weight and just generally feel great. So it’s important to find workouts that you both
enjoy and can commit to. Find something you love, like yoga or Pilates, and do it every day, or
every other day. Throw in some strength training several times a week, whether with weights or

just your bodyweight, and you have the makings of a well-rounded fitness routine. Combine this
with healthy food choices like whole grains, lean proteins, colorful fruits and veggies and plenty
of water. Having these two habits on lock paves the way for you to make even more healthy
habits the norm.

Clear away bad energy

Bad energy can be depleting, and over time can have a significant impact on our wellness. One
easy way to start off the year on the right foot is to clear away any negativity inside your home.
Many people don’t realize the effect their surroundings have on their mood and overall mental
health, but a cluttered, messy, dark home can leave you feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable.
Give your house a good deep clean, organize every space, and open some windows to let the
natural light shine–this is beneficial for both your health and your utility bills. You might be
surprised at how much of a difference it can make, and by setting up your space first, you can
focus on acquiring a new skill or getting involved in a new hobby.

Learn something new

Many of us shy away from starting a new hobby or activity out of the fear that we won’t have
enough time to commit to it, but you don’t have to go with something complicated or time-
consuming. Learning something new comes with tons of benefits, from boosting your self-
confidence and mood to helping you get social, and there are several paths you can take.
You might sign up for a class in a subject that interests you, download an app that will help you
learn another language, or start a gaming or reading group with friends. You may even want to
finally get the degree you’ve always wanted to change your career trajectory. Online classes and
university programs make it easy to learn while balancing work and your personal life. Between
helping to advance your career or just having fun, you can stay motivated by diving into
something that truly interests you.

Get involved

Boosting your confidence and self-esteem comes in many forms, and one way to feel better
about yourself is to give back. You can get involved in your community and help others, raise
money for charity, or volunteer your time and energy at an organization. Just make sure you
don’t overextend yourself; teaching yourself to say “no” when you can’t take something on is
important, both for your mental health and your motivation.

Go offline

It’s easy to get caught up in social media and long text conversations, but it’s essential for your
well-being to stay offline throughout the week, and put down all your devices. Spending less
time looking at a screen has several benefits, including boosting your sleep quality and reducing
feelings of anxiety or stress, especially if you replace it with a relaxing activity that you can
easily keep up like yoga, meditation, or reading.

For those who rely on technology for work, it’s extra crucial to spend time away from it now and
then. Get outside, move your body, find the quiet, and enjoy things that can’t otherwise be
enjoyed when you’re looking at your phone. The more you do it, the easier it will be to keep it up
throughout the year.

Setting goals for yourself can be tricky, especially when you’re unsure of what the new year will
bring. By keeping things light and fairly simple, you can make lifestyle changes that will help
you feel better without the guilt that often comes with making resolutions.

Looking for tips on how to get started with a new fitness routine? Check out GymRa to see our
range of free workouts, or sign up today for only $4.99 to get access to thousands of workouts.

GymRa Fitness

GymRa is simpler, smarter fitness with endless options to eliminate workout plateaus & the best tools for a busy, active lifestyle.