
Top 5 Best Foods You’re Not Eating


A healthy diet should include all food groups, especially fruits, vegetables, and seasonal produce. However, some foods are better than others because they contain antioxidants, cancer-fighting compounds, and fiber. By adding them to your diet, you’ll have a stronger immune system and increased energy. You might even lose a few pounds! So, here are the top five best foods you may have overlooked:

Black Beans
With over 15 grams of protein per cup, black beans are filling and nutritious. They also contain a lot of fiber, which helps reduce hunger and regulates blood sugar levels. Anthocyanins, the antioxidants also found in blueberries, fight cancer and reduce the harmful effects of free radical damage.

These fruits are high in monounsaturated fats, which keep your heart healthy and decrease inflammation. There’s no reason to be afraid of eating good fats. Avocado also provides fiber, keeping you full throughout the day. If you’re on a low carb diet, this fruit is a great choice.

Swiss Chard
Swiss chard belongs to the same family as spinach and kale. It’s an excellent source of syringic acid and kaempferol, two antioxidants that stabilize blood sugar and help prevent cancer. This veggie also contains betalain, a phytonutrient that keeps your skin young and fights free radicals. One cup of Swiss chard provides 636 percent of the RDA of vitamin K and 60 percent of the RDA of vitamin A.

Macadamia Nuts
Packed with healthy fats and dietary fiber, Macadamia nuts are some of the best foods on earth. They boast a sweet flavor and contain essential fatty acids, B-complex vitamins, selenium, and antioxidants. Despite their high calorie content, these nuts are rich in nutrients that support optimum health and wellness.

Dried Plums
These sweet treats improve digestion and lower your risk of colon cancer by building gut bacteria. Loaded with fiber, potassium, and phytochemicals, dried plums delay glucose absorption and have mild laxative effects. When consumed regularly, they help prevent chronic diseases and improve gut flora.

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