
These are the Three Weight Loss Trends You Should Ditch

Mushrooms, keto, paleo, teas and shakes – chances are you’ve heard of (and tried) every weight loss fad out there. While there are a number of recent weight loss trends that offer impressive results, there are also a number of trends that should be ignored. Read on to discover three popular weight loss trends that won’t help you reach your weight loss goals!

Weight Loss Shakes

Meal replacement shakes have seen a lot of popularity when it comes to quick weight loss methods. Most meal replacement shakes aren’t a realistic method of sustainable, long-term weight loss. Many of these weight loss shakes contain hidden added sugars, artificial flavors and chemicals. These drinks also tend to a create an unhealthy, imbalanced lifestyle. You should never rely on a drink to provide you with the fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals that you can find in nutrient dense whole foods!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Research has shown that apple cider vinegar can aid in weight loss, suppress appetite and burn fat. While it’s true that there’s sufficient evidence to show that apple cider vinegar can help to suppress appetite, depending on apple cider vinegar to reduce your appetite may not be the best way to keep the pounds off for good. Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic and many people report it as an appetite suppressant because it tends to give people an upset stomach! Apple cider vinegar can also burn your throat, tongue and mouth and erode your tooth enamel!  For best results, use apple cider vinegar in moderation. Refrain from drinking it straight up, and dilute it in juices, smoothies and salad dressings.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is praised for raising your HDL cholesterol levels (which reduces heart disease), providing brain fuel, energy and supplementing the body with powerful antioxidants. While coconut oil does provide healthy benefits, it’s also loaded with more saturated fat than butter and beef! It’s true that coconut oil is a good alternative to other dangerous fats and oils in cooking, however, it won’t magically burn fat and it’s not recommended to add it to each meal in place of other oils.

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