Does sex really burn so many calories? Can it replace an intense workout? What about making small changes to your diet to achieve long term results? Believe it or not, these are just myths. If you take them for good, you’ll waste time and fail to reach your weight loss goals. Here are some common fitness and diet myths that refuse to die:
Sex Can Replace Exercise
“Sexercise” has gained a lot of popularity lately. Many people mistakenly believe that having lots of sex is the key to a perfect body. Unfortunately, things are not that simple. Half an hour of sex burns approximately 85 calories. Given that the average intercourse lasts about six to 10 minutes, you’ll burn 21 to 40 calories in the best case scenario. Sex is not a substitute for exercise.
Small Changes Yield Big Results
You’ve probably read more than once that making small changes to your diet or exercise plan will lead to long term results. The problem is that your body adapts quickly to calorie restriction and physical activity. Unless you change your habits for good, you’ll hit a plateau sooner or later.
Fast Weight Loss Doesn’t Last
Most health experts recommend losing weight slowly to achieve lasting results. This is another myth. Research indicates that losing a large amount of weight quickly in the beginning is just as good as and even better than going slow and steady. Fast weight loss can actually boost your motivation and increase your chances of success.
Stretching Prevent Injuries
A popular myth says that stretching is the best way to prevent injuries. Studies show that static stretching before exercise actually increases injury risk and affects physical performance by as much as two percent. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, warms up your muscles and increases blood flow, which lowers the risk of injury.