
The Battle with Body Image


If you don’t worry about your body every day then I guarantee you know at least one person who does. Whether it’s the media or society as a whole that has made people self conscious, it’s clear that it needs to stop. This worry causes obsession and that obsession often leads to eating disorders. While it shouldn’t be everyone’s goal to be a rail thin model, messages like “real women have curves” need to stop too. Real women come in all shapes and sizes and no one should tell you how you should or should not look. Instead, we need to encourage a healthy lifestyle and promote good eating habits, as well as regular physical activity. The healthier you are, the better you feel. Even if you’re not the exact shape or size you initially thought you wanted to be, it’s important to remember that a number on the scale is not going to be what changes your self esteem or how you feel about yourself.

When you change your diet or increase your fitness goals, the ultimate goal should not be about being thin. The ultimate goal should be that you want to do something good for yourself and treat your body right. Yes, junk food and lying around makes you gain weight, but it also causes long-term damage to your health. So it’s more than just a superficial problem. Eating things that are high in sugar or fat effects our mood, just like not getting enough exercise or physical activity effects our mood. The better you treat your body, the more energized and happy you feel. The more energized and happy you feel, the more you like yourself overall.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Set goals for yourself so you can adjust to a balanced diet. Start small and don’t give up if you have a hard time or even if you go back to an unhealthy habit for a short period of time. Patience is key. Keep your body moving even if you don’t have time to exercise multiple times a week. Taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, and getting up to stretch every couple hours adds up in a good way and does more than you think. Persistence will eventually pay off. Stick to your plans for a healthier lifestyle and you’ll see a vast improvement in your mood, your body, and your overall attitude toward life.

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