
The Diet Tips That Slim Women Swear by to Maintain Their Weight

Whether you’re starting a new weight loss regimen, struggling to lose stubborn pounds, or you’ve lost a considerable amount of weight that you want to keep off for good, we know how hard it can be to keep the pounds from creeping up on you. While there’s no magical secret to weight loss, there are a few tips and habits that you can follow to help you keep your weight down.

Have you wondered how slim women maintain their weight? Read on to discover simple tips to follow when you’re looking to maintain your weight and keep it off for good!

Eat Out Less Often

Portion sizes at restaurants are notoriously heftier than they should be. Typically, the average plate at a restaurant packs on 1000 calories or more! To maintain your weight loss efforts, it’s important to limit the amount of time you spend dining out at restaurants. Judy Kruger, Ph.D., an epidemiologist at the CDC says, “…preparing your own meals can be a far more effective way to ensure you’re eating foods that are low in fat and calories,” Research shows that individuals who opted for fast food options struggled to maintain their weight loss, while those who avoided eating out altogether had a 62 percent chance of maintaining their weight loss!

While it’s unrealistic to eliminate dining out altogether, it’s a wise move to consider healthier options while at a restaurant. Kruger recommends splitting your meal with a friend, requesting a half-size portion, or sticking to the appetizer menu! By making these small changes, you can up your chances of maintaining your trim figure by 28 percent!

Learn to Love Exercise

If you want to keep those pesky pounds off, it’s important to workout for 30 minutes a day, for the majority of the days of the week. The CDC study showed that individuals who stuck to this routine were able to maintain their weight.

“Regular workout routines can help you maintain lean muscle mass, which means you’ll burn energy even at rest,” explains Scott Going, Ph.D., a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Arizona. Exercising is also a great way to give yourself a little wiggle room when you want to enjoy that extra slice of pizza or an after work bowl of ice cream.  

Eat More Protein

According to a study found in The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that women who regularly ate high levels of protein (110 grams of protein or 26% of their calories) were able to maintain a weight loss of about 14 lbs over the course of a year. The study also revealed that women who weren’t as strict with their protein intake (consuming less than 72 grams, or less than 19% of their daily calories) were only able to maintain a 7lb weight loss during the same amount of time.

Peter Clifton, Ph.D., lead study author and coauthor of The Total Wellbeing Diet, explains, “Higher amounts of protein may prompt the release of hormones that help you feel full.”

Often when we feel the need for an energy boost, we immediately reach for carbs and sugary snacks. Instead of piling your plate with carbs when you feel the need for energy, simply make  a point of adding more protein to your diet! Grab a bowl of greek yogurt, sprinkle chickpeas or kidney beans into your salad, or make a turkey and cheese roll up when you feel the urge to reach for a bag of potato chips.

5 Is The Magic Number

Aim for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily! Loading your plate up with nutrient-dense veggies and fruits not only prevents a number of diseases, you’ll also help keep the weight from creeping back on. A study conducted by the CDC found that women who ate five servings of fruits and vegetables a day had a 60 percent chance of preventing future weight gain than women who did not get as many servings of fruit and vegetables. Experts explain that this is due to the high fiber and high water content of fruits and veggies!


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