
Running Mistakes That Keep You from Losing Weight

Despite its calorie-burning power, running doesn’t always cause weight loss. It can actually lead to weight gain if done the wrong way. Common mistakes, such as not running hard enough or using the same routine over and over, can ruin your efforts. Things are even worse for runners who overcompensate with food.

Here are five running mistakes that keep you from losing weight:

Your Training Routine Is Always the Same
The human body adapts to exercise within days or weeks. Unless you change your training routine, you’ll hit a plateau. The key to weight loss is to challenge your body by keeping your workouts varied. A little variety can make all the difference.

Quitting Too Early
Many people start running to shed pounds or improve their fitness, but quit before they have even had a chance to be successful. If you want results, stick to it. Be consistent and set realistic goals.

Focusing Too Much on the Calories Burned
Another common mistake among runners is focusing too much on the calories burned. This activity has a myriad of benefits, such as increased energy, stronger bones, and better cardiovascular health. The calories burned during running are the least important.

Running Too Much
Just like any other exercise, running puts stress on your body. If you overdo it, you’ll hit a plateau. Over-training also increases the stress hormone cortisol levels, which puts you at risk for weight gain. Over time, you may experience back pain, fatigue, and stiff joints. To stay safe, listen to your body and give it enough time to recover.

Overcompensating with Food
When you start a running routine, it’s tempting to consume more food for energy. This reduces the weight loss benefits you get from exercise. If you want to torch fat, stay in a calorie deficit. Don’t use running as an excuse to overeat. Just think about how hard you work to reach your weight loss goals.

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