
Proper Pacing Can Boost Your Running Performance

Pacing is a key component of running. Any endurance athlete, regardless of their experience and fitness level, will fail to reach peak performance if they start at a full sprint and hold nothing back. Sometimes slowest is the fastest in the end. Depending on the distance and type of race, pace and effort will change. If you start running and your cardiovascular system isn’t warmed up yet, you’ll have a hard time breathing and lose your focus. This may also affect your strength, endurance, and speed.

Perfecting your pace won’t be easy. It can take weeks and even months to learn the art of pacing yourself on the run. Here are some tips to help you out:

Focus on Your Training
Complete at least one solo run per week. Avoid distractions, such as music or wearable fitness trackers. Focus on your training and pay attention to your breath and overall feeling. Be aware of how your breathing changes when you’re running uphill or downhill, faster or slower.

Practice Treadmill Running
Running on a treadmill makes it easier to figure out what a specific pace feels like. Simply set the pace and then follow it for a specific duration. Practice different paces to see what works best for you.

Make Adjustments
Adjust your pace based on running conditions. For instance, running on windy days is different than running on a hot summer day. Ideally, try to maintain the same level of effort throughout your training session. Let your breathing guide you. If you’re puffing or huffing, slow down until your breathing returns to normal.

Listen to Your Body
Listen to the cues your body is giving you. For instance, if you’re running too fast, your legs may feel tired and sore, or your pace slows at the end of a race. Breathing heavily in the early miles is a warning sign too.

Let go of expectations and focus on the quality of your run. Try different workouts, such as alternating tempos and cut down runs, which require you to change pace frequently. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

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