Lose Weight Quickly

How do you lose weight quickly? This is difficult to answer in the context of sustained, healthy weight loss. The overriding consideration, no matter what our reason for wanting to lose weight, must be one of health. Bear that in mind as we discover the safest ways to shed pounds quickly.

1 – Make sure your sleep is consistent and relaxing. Your body can’t function at its best if it is constantly being deprived of sleep. You may feel like sleeping makes you lethargic and lazy, but sleep is not only necessary for optimal body functioning, it even burns calories. It may sound crazy, but you CAN burn calories while sleeping!

2 – One of the most important pieces of advice anyone seeking to lose weight can be given is to understand and live within the capabilities of your own body. Do not set grandiose, over ambitious, unachievable goals, and possibly injure your body in a vain attempt to achieve the impossible. An injured body will not be able to do exercise without pain, so the potential for weight loss will be reduced. Keep within the limits your body is capable of and you should be able to build up a consistency that will reward you.

3 – Be sure you understand the consequences of what you are doing. Saying that you want to lose weight is just a polite way of saying that you want to lose fat. Starvation diets allow people to lose weight fairly quickly because the muscles are heavier than fat and it’s the muscles that this kind of diet erodes. This is something you simply can’t afford, as any muscle wastage makes it harder for the body to exercise and shed fat in the future.

4 – Train your brain to react to hunger in the right way. Over time, you become conditioned into bad eating habits, and lack of exercise, and these things often happen without conscious thought. It is difficult to break these behavior patterns and set up new ones, but you can do it if you are mindful and persistent. Replace sugary drinks like soda or juices high in added sugar with water. Replace your candy bar snacks with pieces of fruit or nuts and seeds. These are improvements which, if maintained consistently, can yield dramatic benefits. Just like your bad habits, good habits can become the norm. Make it a lifestyle and become the healthiest version of you!

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