
Kitchen Hacks to Save Time and Money


Cooking is a fun, relaxing activity that most people love. What can be more rewarding than making your own cookies, trying new recipes, and mixing all sorts of ingredients? The problem is that cooking also takes a lot of time. You have to go shopping for groceries, measure portions, make lists, and wait for your food to be ready. Fortunately, there are lots of shortcuts that make cooking easier. So, here are some kitchen hacks to save time and money:

Food Storage Hacks
More than 40 percent of food in America goes to waste. Just think about how many times you’ve had to get rid of rotten tomatoes, moldy fruits, and leftovers. The good news is that you can reduce waste by using a few simple tricks.

For example, you can give bananas a longer life by wrapping their ends with plastic wrap. To prevent rotting, store tomatoes stem end down. Once you’ve cut onions, lemons, tomatoes and other produce, store them cut side down in glass containers to stop oxidation. Keep fruits in paper bags to speed up ripening. Use shower caps to cover leftovers and prevent bacteria from spreading all over.

Food Prep Hacks
If you’re short on time, use an ice cream scoop to remove seeds from squash, zucchini, and other vegetables. To separate yolks from whites faster, squeeze a plastic water bottle over a cracked egg. The bottle will scoop the yolks right up as soon as it re-inflates with air. When you squeeze lemons, use your cupped fingers to juice them so that the seeds remain in your hands. If you’re planning to cook with ginger, peel it with a spoon edge.

Cooking Hacks
One of the best ways to save time when cooking is to skip flipping your food. Simply pre-heat your cookie sheet when roasting veggies and French fries. This way, you won’t have to flip them anymore. When boiling pasta or rice, place a wooden spoon across the pot to prevent a boil over. Next time you boil meat or veggies, freeze the broth in ice cube trays to reduce waste.

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