In a Smoothie Rut? Try These Healthy Smoothies Under 300 Calories
Smoothies are one of the easiest ways to nourish yourself, especially when the weather heats up. They’re great for breakfast, a post workout pick me up, and make for a perfect portable snack or meal. As delicious and refreshing as smoothies are, they can quickly add up in calories. Ingredients like fruit juice, agave, whole milk, powdered chocolate, peanut butter, and ice cream can add unnecessary calories.
It’s important to load your smoothies with whole, nutrient dense ingredients such as freshly squeezed juice, fresh or frozen fruits, veggies, greek yogurt, non-dairy milk, raw nuts, protein powder, omega 3’s, fiber, and carefully measured out portions. It’s a common misconception that it’s okay to overload a smoothie with healthy ingredients. Too much can set you off track.
If you’re struggling to know exactly what recipes are good for you, we’ve taken some of the guesswork out by rounding up a few tasty and wholesome recipes that can kickstart your inspiration for your own make-at-home, healthy smoothies!
Green Tea, Blueberry & Banana Smoothie, 269 calories
Image Courtesy of Prevention.com
Blend 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries; 1/2 medium banana; 3/4 cup calcium-fortified light vanilla soy milk and add 1 bag green tea; 2 teaspoons honey and 3 tablespoons boiling water to a cup.
Cucumber Mint Hydration Smoothie, 108 calories
Image Courtesy of BetterHomes&Gardens.com
Cook cauliflower, uncovered, in enough boiling water to cover for 10 to 12 minutes or until very tender. Drain and rinse with cold water.
In a blender combine cauliflower, melon, cucumber, mint, and honey. Cover and blend until very smooth, stopping and scraping sides of blender as needed. Add ice cubes. Cover and blend until smooth.
Wake Up Smoothie, 139 calories
Image Courtesy of EatingWell.com
Blend 1¼ cups orange juice, preferably calcium-fortified; 1 banana; 1¼ cups frozen berries, such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and/or strawberries (Makes 3 servings, 1 cup per serving)
Carrot Smoothie, 55 Calories
Image Courtesy of MidwestLiving.com
Cook carrots in a saucepan with a small amount of boiling water for about 15 minutes or until very tender. Drain well. Cool.
Place drained carrots in a blender. Add finely shredded orange peel and orange juice. Cover and blend until smooth. Add ice cubes; cover and blend until smooth. Makes 3 (5-ounce) servings.
Blend 1 small frozen banana, sliced; 3/4 cup kale, lightly packed, stems removed; 3/4 cup almond milk; 3/4 Tbsp almond butter; and 1/8 tsp each cinnamon, nutmeg, and ground ginger.
Ginger Berries & Oats Smoothie, 179 calories
1/4 cup prepared oatmeal + 1/4 cup 1% low-fat milk + 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger + 1 cup fresh blackberries + 1/2 cup sliced strawberries + 1 teaspoon honey + 1/2 cup ice
Tropical Treat Smoothie, 174 calories
Blend cup sparkling water; ¼ cup light coconut milk; 1 cup diced mango; 1 1/2cups cubed pineapple; 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice; 1/4 cup fresh mint; 2 tablespoons agave; 1 teaspoon orange zest (2 servings)