
How to Lose Belly Fat after Age 50

Struggling to get rid of belly fat? If so, you’re not alone. Most women over 50 are dealing with belly fat. Menopause is often the culprit behind stubborn fat. As estrogen decreases, your metabolism slows down and your bones become less dense. On top of that, you lose three to five percent of muscle mass per decade after age 30, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle. So, is it possible for women over 50 to lose belly fat?

Train Smart to Shed Fat
Just because you’re over 50, it doesn’t mean you can’t get a slimmer waist. Losing belly fat is going to be harder than it was in your 30s, but not impossible. The key is to train smart and eat clean. Your workouts should include HIIT, steady state cardio, and weight training. When combined with calorie restriction, cardio exercise helps burn belly fat better than dieting alone. It also elevates your heart and boosts overall endurance.

Go Heavy
Strength training, on the other hand, burns fewer calories, but increases metabolic rate. It also helps build and preserve muscle, strengthens your bones, and tones your abs. To reap its benefits, lift weights at least three times a week. Choose a load that allows you to complete eight to 12 reps. As you get stronger, increase the weight. In addition to cardio and strength training, take long walks, go jogging, and stay active.

Avoid Stress and Get Plenty of Rest
Poor sleep and daily stress raises cortisol levels, increases hunger, and causes your body to store belly fat. A study conducted in 2006 has found that women who slept less than five hours per night gained more weight than those who got about seven hours of sleep. Thus, it’s important to avoid stress and get plenty of rest. Learn to relax and find time for yourself.

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