
How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Naturally


Struggling with a sore throat? Before popping pills, use the power of nature to your advantage! From honey and apple cider vinegar to herbal tea, there are plenty of ways to ease throat pain and inflammation naturally. These remedies are much safer than medications, and have no side effects. Some provide instant relief and speed up healing.

Try these natural remedies to get rid of a sore throat and restore your health:

Drink Saltwater
Gargling with warm saltwater several times a day can reduce inflammation of the throat. Salt draws out water, which helps relieve swelling and eases pain. It can also loosen mucus and clear a stuffy nose. All you have to do is dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water. If necessary, add honey for sweetness.

Make Your Own Throat Spray
Mix one teaspoon of ground echinacea and one teaspoon of ground sage, add them to boiled water, and let steep for 30 minutes. Place the mixture in a small spray bottle and use it once every two or three hours. These herbs have been shown to reduce throat pain and swelling, fight inflammation, and relieve flu symptoms just as well as chlorhexidine lidocaine spray, but without its side effects.

Chew Raw Garlic
Due to its antiviral and antiseptic properties, garlic relieves throat pain and kills viruses. It can also help you recover faster from common cold or flu. To reap its benefits, chew on a raw clove for 10 to 15 minutes. If you can’t stand the taste, mince it and add olive oil or honey. Allicin, the primary compound in garlic, is destroyed by heat, so it should be consumed raw.

Treat Yourself with a Cup of Tea
Herbal teas have been used since ancient times to cure flu, cold, runny nose, and other ailments. Licorice root tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea, and marshmallow root tea are particularly beneficial for treating a sore throat. Sipping the tea two to three times a day can accelerate healing and kill bacteria in your throat.

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