
How to Get Back In Shape After a Long Break


Getting back in shape after several weeks or months off doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s actually easier than starting to exercise from scratch. Once you return to the gym, you’ll regain your strength fast thanks to muscle memory. The truth is that you can get back into shape at any age, especially if you’ve worked out before. Even though you may not be as strong or as fast as you once were, the results can be quite impressive.

So, here are five simple ways to get back in shape after a long break:

Start with Small Steps
When you return to the gym after a break, start small and give your body time to adapt. This rule applies to everyone, including former athletes. At this point, you need to be cautious and build up your endurance. If you push yourself too hard, you’ll end up with an injury.

Remember the Hard Work
If you’re a former athlete or bodybuilder, remember the hard work it takes to achieve those gains. But don’t idealize the past. You’re at a new point in your fitness journey, so you have to start fresh in a way. What worked in the past might not work now. Thus, it’s important to experiment with new lifting techniques and diet plans.

Set Meaningful Goals
You have different goals now than you had last time you ran a marathon or won a fitness title. Maybe you simply want to stay in shape and maintain your health. Before starting your fitness journey, set realistic goals that mean something to you.

Build Your Strength and Flexibility
If you haven’t worked out in a long time, focus on building your strength and flexibility. Hitting the weights or running a 5k will have to wait. First, you must regain your strength and fix muscle imbalances. These things take time and hard work.

Have Fun
Don’t forget to have fun in the process. Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Take things slowly and enjoy every step. Focus on your goals and discover what your body is capable of.

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