
How to Enjoy Your Favorite Foods without Ruining Your Waistline


Who says you must give up your favorite foods to lose weight? Healthy eating is all about balance. With proper planning, you can fit chocolate, cookies, muffins, and other treats into your diet. Ditching the foods you enjoy will only lead to frustration, binge eating, and feelings of deprivation. You might not be able to drop weight, despite your best intentions.

So, here are some tips on how to enjoy your favorite foods and still lose weight:

Plan a Weekly Cheat Meal

Bodybuilders and fitness models have at least one cheat meal each week. This habit allows them to recover faster from training and stick to their diet long term. A weekly cheat meal can boost your motivation to eat clean and fuel your body with energy. Ideally, plan your cheat meal on the day when you train legs, chest, back, or other larger muscles. This way, you’ll burn the extra calories and speed up muscle repair.

Reach for an Occasional Treat

One bad meal won’t make you fat just like one healthy meal won’t make you thin. If you’re craving chocolate or other treats, go for it. An occasional snack is unlikely to ruin your diet. Research shows that a daily variance of up to 600 calories doesn’t affect weight loss as long as you eat healthy most of the time.

Watch Your Portions

Portion control is crucial to weight loss, regardless of what your diet looks like. Instead of giving up your favorite treats, enjoy them in moderation. Eat balanced portions of healthy foods and savor a piece of chocolate or a cookie from time to time. For instance, a medium bag of potato chips contains about 550 calories. A single serving (30 grams) has just 120 calories. If you stick to the recommended serving size, it won’t reflect on your waistline. It’s in your power to lose weight and make healthy eating a way of life.

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