That coworker who always leaves the coffee pot empty? The boss who regularly interrupts you and takes credit for your successful ideas? The guy who never holds the elevator in the mornings? What about the the nosy coworker who pries into your personal life? These kind of workplace slights may seem irritating and harmless in the moment, however, these rude behaviors are causing more damage than you realize.
A recent study published in the journal Occupational Health Science, from the Portland State University and the University of Illinois took a look into the link between impoliteness in the workplace and employee sleep. Researchers found that when employees are faced with workplace incivility, they bring these feelings home and experience symptoms of insomnia, such as the inability to fall asleep and waking up in the middle of the night. Researchers also found that the sleep of the employees’ partners was also affected — but only if they worked in the same company or industry.
Fortunately, employees suffering with sleep disturbances due to unpleasant interactions with coworkers can do something about it — and companies can step in as well. Lead author, Charlotte Fritz, of the study suggests that companies need to step in to create civility training or implement a zero tolerance policy at work.
Employees can also take matters into their own hands and adopt methods to help them detach after work. Fritz recommends picking up an after work hobby or meditating.
A little kindness can go a long way in the workplace! You may not be able to control the behavior of other people in the workplace, but you can focus on working hard, being kind, and meditating after work if you need to.