
How Often Should You Change Your Workout Routine?

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Have you hit a fitness plateau? Are you struggling to build muscle or lose weight, but nothing works? Then it’s time to change your workout routine! Even the best exercise plan stops working after a few months. The human body has an amazing ability to adapt, which leads to plateaus. Thus, it’s important to change your fitness routine regularly and keep trying new exercises.

Signs It’s Time to Change Your Exercise Routine

According to researchers, the greatest muscle and strength gains occur in the first three months of training. The same goes for fat loss. When you start exercising after a long break, you can see the pounds melting right off. However, this won’t last too long. Unless you change your diet and workout routine, you’ll hit a plateau sooner or later.

There are no strict rules on how often you should change your workout routine. The only way to figure it out is to listen to your body. If your workout isn’t giving you results anymore or leaves you tired and sore, try something else. An exercise plan that is no longer challenging or makes you bored should be replaced by something more exciting.

How to Change Your Workout Plan

Your workout plan is influenced by several factors, including the number of reps and sets, its intensity, its length, types of exercises, and training frequency. You can change any of these factors to make your workouts more challenging and intense. Or you can start a completely new routine from scratch. It all comes down to your goals and preferences.

The whole point is to keep your muscles guessing and prevent your body from adapting to exercise. Based on your needs, you can change your workout plan once a month, once every two months, twice a year and so on. You may also implement small changes each week, such as doing a few more reps, lifting heavier weights, or trying different versions of your favorite exercises.

Head to gymra.com for a variety of free workout and weight loss programs that you can follow, 1000’s of exercises you can browse, and an innovative tool that allows you to customize your own routines. Never get bored, never hit that plateau!

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GymRa is simpler, smarter fitness with endless options to eliminate workout plateaus & the best tools for a busy, active lifestyle.