
How Many Steps Should You Be Taking Each Day?

Ever wonder how many steps per day are needed to lose weight? What if you’re obese? ACSM’s 62nd annual meeting, which took place in May 2015, has reviewed six studies, including one covering this issue. The research was conducted on 212 obese adults to determine the number of steps needed to elicit weight loss. It may come up as a surprise, but something as simple as walking can help prevent and reduce obesity.

Count Steps, Not Calories to Fight Obesity
Currently, the recommended daily number of steps for healthy individuals is 10,000. According to the latest studies, obese patients trying to lose weight should strive for 10,000 to 13,000 steps per day. These findings are supported by ACSM. Obese adults who followed a diet of 1,200–1,800 daily calories and walked at least 10 minutes a day at a moderate to vigorous pace had the greatest success.

A low calorie diet combined with regular exercise appears to be the key to weight loss. Until recently, the 10,000-steps recommendation was not backed up by studies or clinical trials. However, this new study indicates that taking 10,000 steps daily can have major health benefits, especially in obese patients. The average American walks between 3,000 and 4,000 steps per day, which is far from the minimum number of steps recommended.

How to Get More Steps in Your Day
Walking 10,000 daily steps is not as difficult as it seems. It just takes a concerted effort to move around more. For the start, include an evening walk in your routine. Keep moving while talking on the phone. Walk to work instead of driving. If your office is located far away from home, simply get off the bus a stop earlier.

Use a pedometer to record your steps. This gadget is inexpensive and can boost your motivation. Make the commitment to reach 10,000 steps a day. Stroll during your lunch break, take the stairs more often, and walk your kids to school or to the bus stop instead of driving them. These small changes can make all the difference.

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