HIIT with Booty Focus

Experts claim that 90-120 minutes of exercise a day is recommended to benefit the heart, but the average person is unable to fit such lengthy workouts into their day to day lives. The solution? HIIT! Bursts of high intensity get the heart pumping hard. The heart is a muscle – the harder it works, the stronger it becomes.

With that in mind, we’d like to share a great HIIT routine with a focus on the booty that comes straight from one of our many training templates!

This is a body weight routine that will challenge every single muscle. Repeat if needed with 2-3 minutes of rest between sets. Each set will burn approx. 90-130 calories. For more fantastic workouts, focusing on a variety of styles & muscles, head to gymra.com!


Burpee to Heel Clap  – 15 reps















Very Green Lentil Soup


Hyper-extension with Twist – 30 reps















Spicy Tunisian Grilled Chicken


Burpee with Kick Out – 10 reps















Grilled Tuna with Olive Relish


Deadlift with Curtsy – 30 reps















Curried Red Lentils


Rock N Roll to Burpee – 10 reps















Herb Salsa with Grilled Chicken


Squat Up to Transverse Crunch – 40 reps















Smokey Black Bean Soup


Three Moguls & Burpee – 10 reps















Sicilian Olive Chicken

GymRa Fitness

GymRa is simpler, smarter fitness with endless options to eliminate workout plateaus & the best tools for a busy, active lifestyle.