HellaWella: Stretch out before you tee up

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Stretch out before you tee up

June 11, 2013


To some guys, stretching before or after a workout is a chick thing. Wrong! In order to keep your muscles mobile and prevent injuries, you need to stretch. Planning a guy’s day out on the golf course? Make sure you limber up first. Phong Tran, fitness expert at GymRa — an online personal training site — provides the following eay-to-remember stretching sequence to stay loose and pain-free while you swing that club.

Standing Side Bend Stretch: “Extended Side Angle”

Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Lean toward your right leg by bending your right leg while keeping your left leg straight. Place your right arm onto your right quads while lifting your left arm up and over your head. Bend to your right side. Once you feel a comfortable stretch, hold that pose. Breathe in and out deeply and slowly, with four counts inhaling and four counts exhaling. Do this for 10 counts each. Repeat by switching sides.

Muscles stretched: obliques, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, teres major and rear deltoids

*Tip: Don’t lean forward or backward during the stretch.

The Throracolumbar Side Bend Stretch: “Crescent Moon”

Stand with your feet together and reach both arms up toward the sky. Grab one hand with the other hand and straighten them both upward. Exhale and slowly bend, from your waist, to your right as much as you can without bending your arms. Once you feel a comfortable stretch, hold that pose. Breathe in and out deeply and slowly with four counts inhaling and four counts exhaling. Do this for 10 counts each. Repeat by switching.

Muscles stretched: obliques, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, teres major and rear deltoids

*Tip: Don’t lean forward or backward during this stretch.

Standing/Squatting Pigeon Stretch

Stand and balance on your left leg. Cross your right ankle above your left knee. Slowly bend forward and hold your right leg with both hands. Bend down to a comfortable stretch and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

Muscles stretched: glutes, piriformis and quads

Triceps Stretch

Stand straight up with your legs shoulder-width apart. Bring your left arm across your chest toward your right shoulder. Place your right hand under your left arm and grab your elbow. Gently pull your left elbow to the right. Pull and twist to the right until you feel a comfortable stretch. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat on your other arm.

Muscles stretched: tricep brachii, rear deltoids and latissimus dorsi



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