
Get a Workout Buddy for Fitness Success


Have you noticed that time flies when you’re in good company? Gym buddies can help you stay committed to fitness and get the most out of your workout. Training with a friend or colleague can bring you closer to your goals and make exercise fun. The right workout partner will keep you accountable and push you through those last few reps. They can even show you new moves and help you stay injury-free.

The Benefits of a Gym Buddy

Even the most avid gym goers lose their motivation at some point. Heavy workload, daily stress, poor sleep, and other factors can keep you from hitting the gym and doing your workouts. If you need a quick boost of motivation, grab a buddy and train together. You’ll not only have fun, but also double your chances for fitness success.

A recent survey conducted on 117 people has found that those who worked out with friends enjoyed their routine more than those who exercised alone. They have also felt calmer and experienced greater stress relief. A gym buddy can keep you motivated, watch your lifting form, and bring variety to your workouts. Not to mention that competition can make you perform better and push yourself harder.

Take Your Workouts to a Whole New Level

Training with a buddy can make all the difference to your workouts. If you know a friend is waiting for you to exercise together, you’ll actually show up. Gym buddies can also keep your ego in check, spot you when lifting heavy weights, and tell what you’re doing wrong.

If you have similar goals, you can push each other and even compete. Additionally, when you’re training with a friend, you’ll work out harder than when you’re alone. A workout buddy can also limit your negative self-talk, make time pass quickly, and keep boredom away. Knowing that someone is next to you helps reduce the stress of exercise and makes the activity more enjoyable.

So, what are you waiting for? Call a friend and hit the gym, go for a hike, anything physical that will help you get closer to your goals!

GymRa Fitness

GymRa is simpler, smarter fitness with endless options to eliminate workout plateaus & the best tools for a busy, active lifestyle.