Full Body Outdoor Summer Workout by Diets in Review

GymRa featured on Diets in Review: http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/07/full-body-outdoor-summer-workout/

Simplicity is a beautiful thing. Phong Tran, fitness specialist and master at designing accessible workouts, has provided us with his latest breezy creation, the Full Body Outdoor Summer Workout. Using only a kettlebell and your motor skills, this four-step regimen is designed to tighten your entire body. It strengthens nearly every major muscle group and can be done from the privacy of your home. This straightforward workout requires no gym membership or mastery of complicated exercise equipment. Phong has cobbled together the ideal summer workout; legs, gluts, abs, and arms will all be toned, leaving you in perfect bikini wearing condition.

Phuong 1

Side Lunge into Shoulder Press—Do 15 reps, switch sides, repeat.

Keep posture neutral. Bend leg into side lunge, keep other leg straight. Then raise ball into shoulder press. Hold the ball tight for better control and breathe out on the way up.

Phuong 2

Squat into Upright Row—15 reps.

Keep posture neutral. Squat down with your knees parallel to each other, bring arms into upright row. Breathe out on the way up.

Phuong 4

One Arm Swing Back—15 reps, switch sides, repeat.

Stand with feet together, knees slightly bent. Keep posture neutral. Keep swinging arm straight and breathe out on the way up.

Phuong 3

Lunge with Chest Press Twist—30 reps, alternating each side.

Keep posture neutral. Step into a forward lunge. With arms straight out, rotate ball in opposite directions. Breathe out when pressing forward and twisting. When coming back up, bring arms in toward chest. Repeat.

Phong Tran is a fitness specialist with over 20 years of experience. He has certifications in NASM-CPT, NASM-PES, NSCA and Core Fusion, CBT Suspended Body Weight Training, VIPR, and kettlebells. Find him at GymRa.com.

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