
Do You Know What’s in Your Bacon?


How often do you eat bacon? Do you really know what’s in it? A recent study indicates that bacon and other pork products contain ractopamine, a food additive that promotes muscle growth in animals. Its effects are similar to those of anabolic steroids. Fortunately, manufacturers are now being required to mention “produced without ractopamine” on labels if their products are drug-free.

What’s the Deal with Ractopamine?
Ractopamine is a beta-adrenergic agonist marketed under the names Optaflexx and Paylean. This compound promotes lean tissue deposition in market-weight pigs and cattle. It basically helps animals gain muscle with minimum fat by increasing protein synthesis and cortisol levels.

Even though this product was approved for use over a decade ago, it may cause side effects in humans. Ractopamine has been already banned in the European Union, Russia, and China. The U.S. meat industry still uses this drug to promote leanness and accelerate weigh gain in pigs, cattle, and turkeys. In 2010, approximately 1,700 people were poisoned from eating meat that contained ractopamine.

What Are the Side Effects?
Research indicates that ractopamine use has resulted in more reports of sick or dead pigs than any other drug available today. This drug has serious side effects on animals, such as cardiovascular, reproductive, behavioral, endocrine, and musculoskeletal problems. Health experts claim that it’s not safe for humans either.

This controversial drug is used in 60 to 80 percent of pigs in the U.S. Possible side effects on human health include tumor development, urethral and prostate disorders, behavioral changes, and impaired thyroid function. Ractopamine is related to zilpaterol and clenbuterol, which have been banned by the Olympics for their adrenaline inducing effects in humans.

The good news is that you can easily avoid ractopamine by checking food labels and buying organic meat. Purchase bacon and other pork products from farmers’ markets, choose “natural” meats, and visit small local farms.



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