
Discover the Best Way to Stall Aging

Every year, men and women worldwide spend millions of dollars on anti-aging products. Go to any beauty store or mall and you’ll find all sorts of anti-aging creams, lotions, dietary supplements, and miracle serums. Don’t forget about plastic surgery, which promises lasting youth. The harsh truth is that no one can stop aging. However, it is possible to delay this process by making small lifestyle changes.

Sleep Deprivation Linked To Aging Skin

The latest studies indicate that poor sleep affects skin aging and function. People who are sleep deprived look older and show signs of aging earlier than those who get enough rest. Researchers already knew that insufficient sleep can lead to poor memory, difficulty concentrating, impaired brain activity, depression, mental problems, slow recovery, and early death. However, their findings on sleep and skin aging came up as a surprise for everyone.

According to scientists, good sleep is the real fountain of youth. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, has been linked to poor skin functioning and recovery. Individuals who sleep less than eight hours a night experience loss of skin elasticity, fine wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and inflammation to a higher degree than those who sleep well. Improper sleep may also affect your skin’s ability to repair itself at night and fight the damaging effects of UV radiation.

Something as simple as sleeping more could delay aging and improve the appearance of your skin. Adults who get enough sleep are more self-confident and have a youthful appearance along with a healthy body weight. Research also shows that lack of sleep can produce permanent changes to the DNA molecule and increase the risk of death from all causes. Just one night of sleep deprivation can affect over 700 genes in the body.

If you want to stay young and healthy, sleep for seven to nine hours a night. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Moisturize your skin before bedtime to speed up the recovery process and delay aging.

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